killing rats with paracetamol

First, it is crucial to note that killing rats with paracetamol raises ethical concerns due to the potential for slow and painful death in rats. Additionally, the risk of accidental poisoning of pets, wildlife, and children exists.

Therefore, alternative rat control methods, such as traps and integrated pest management, should be considered before resorting to paracetamol as a rodenticide.

And if in the case you want to know the ability of paracetamol to get rid of rats, then here are all the details possible to conduct your business well!

I. Killing rats with paracetamol

1. What does paracetamol do to rats?

Paracetamol, otherwise known as acetaminophen, is a widely used over-the-counter medication for humans. Its role is to relieve pain and fever, which makes it a drug of almost daily use for a good part of the population.

Although paracetamol is safe for humans when used as directed, it can be fatal to rats due to their unique metabolic processes.

This is because when rats ingest paracetamol, their liver breaks it down into a toxic substance called N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI).

And knowing that NAPQI, which is highly reactive and binds to proteins in liver cells, can cause oxidative stress, cell damage, and possibly liver failure. because rats lack the necessary enzymes to effectively neutralize NAPQI, making paracetamol an effective rodenticide.

2. How to prepare paracetamol rat poison at home?

Preparing paracetamol like rat poison is so easy that anyone can make it.

Here’s how to make paracetamol rat poison at home:

  • Gather the gear: you’ll need paracetamol tablets (minimum strength 500 mg), mortar, mixing bowl, protective gloves, and bait gear, like peanut butter, cereal or breadcrumbs.
  • Crush the paracetamol: put on protective gloves and use the mortar and pestle to crush the paracetamol tablets into a fine powder. Depending on the size of the infestation, you may need several tablets. Be careful not to inhale the powder or let it come into contact with your skin.
  • Prepare the bait mix: In the mixing bowl, mix the paracetamol powder with the bait material. Use enough bait to create a pasty consistency that is easy to shape into small balls. The bait needs to have a strong smell to attract rats, so consider adding ingredients like bacon grease, sugar, or chocolate.
  • Shape the bait: Shape the bait mix into small balls or pellets, about the size of a marble. These should be large enough for the rats to notice, but small enough for them to pick up and eat.
  • Place bait: Identify areas where rats are active, such as near their nests, along their travel routes, or near food sources. Place bait in these locations, making sure it is out of reach of children, pets, and non-target wildlife. Check bait regularly and replenish as needed.
  • Monitor Results: Keep an eye on baited areas to gauge the effectiveness of the poison. If you continue to see rat activity, consider adjusting the bait mix or locations.
  • Dispose of dead rats and unused bait: Wear gloves when handling dead rats and place them in a sealed plastic bag before disposing of them in the trash. Dispose of any unused bait in the same manner, ensuring it is secure and inaccessible to children, pets, or wildlife.
  • Clean and Disinfect: Once the rat infestation has been treated, thoroughly clean and disinfect the affected areas. This will help minimize the risk of disease transmission and prevent new infestations.

3. Paracetamol dose for rats

The fatal dosage for an adult rat might range between 500 mg and 1000 mg per kilogram of body weight. Keeping in mind that the average rat weighs around 200 grams.

These data, however, are not definitive and should be used with caution.

This is because an overdose can lead to bait shyness. There is a risk that rats will avoid the bait because of its toxicity and bad smell.

While underdosing may not kill the rats quickly and result in prolonged suffering and also ineffective control.

Monitoring the effectiveness of paracetamol rat poison is crucial. Check baited areas regularly for signs of rat activity and change the bait mix, dosage, or location if necessary.

4. How long does it take for paracetamol to kill rats?

The time it takes for paracetamol to kill rats varies depending on factors such as the size and age of the rat, the dose administered, and the general health of the rat.

In general, paracetamol can kill rats within 24 to 72 hours of ingestion.

However, it should be noted that this time frame is by no means guaranteed, as some rats may die earlier or later depending on the circumstances.

Indeed, the appropriate dose of paracetamol to kill rats, as just discussed, is approximately 300 to 500 mg per rat.

This dose can be mixed with a food source, such as peanut butter or cereal, to encourage the rats to consume it.

5. How to properly dispose of dead rats killed by paracetamol?

Disposing of dead rats killed by paracetamol requires careful handling and proper precautions to prevent the spread of disease.

Here are some tips on how to dispose of dead rats:

  • Personal Protection: Before handling dead rats, be sure to wear disposable gloves, a face mask, and protective clothing to minimize the risk of direct contact and disease transmission. If possible, use tools such as tongs or a shovel to handle the carcass.
  • Secure the carcass: Carefully pick up the dead rat and place it in a resealable plastic bag. And if the carcass is contaminated with blood or other fluids, clean the area with a disinfectant solution.
  • Double wrap: For added security, place the sealed plastic bag containing the dead rat in another plastic bag and seal it as well.
  • Label the bag: clearly label the outer bag with a warning, such as “Dead Rat – Dangerous,” to inform others of the contents and potential dangers associated with handling the bag.
  • Clean up: after disposing of the dead rat, thoroughly clean and disinfect all tools used in the process. Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Prevent future infestations: Once the dead rat has been safely disposed of, take steps to prevent future infestations. Identify and seal all potential entry points, remove food sources, and maintain a clean environment.

6. Can you use paracetamol to kill mice?

Yes, paracetamol is also lethal for mice, especially since they have smaller sizes than rats. And that’s why you have to put less paracetamol in the bait you want to prepare for mice.

7. Can other methods be used with paracetamol to get rid of rats?

An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach is recommended when dealing with rat infestations. Combining paracetamol with other control methods, such as traps and environmental modifications, may give better results and reduce the chance of resistance developing.

Ensuring food sources are eliminated, entry points are sealed, and nesting sites are disturbed can greatly reduce the likelihood of rat infestations.

II. Are there any risks associated with using paracetamol as a rat poison?

There are some Risks of using paracetamol as a rat poison, here are some of the most important ones:

Human and Animal Health Hazards:

Using paracetamol as rat poison increases the risk of accidental ingestion by children and pets. Because the drug is harmful in high doses, it could pose a serious risk. In addition, poisoned rats may die in hidden areas, resulting in unpleasant odors, bacterial growth, and potential disease transmission.

Ethical concerns:

The use of paracetamol as a rat poison raises important ethical questions. Rats, like all animals, deserve to be treated humanely. Paracetamol poisoning causes a slow and agonizing death due to liver and kidney failure, which is inhumane and cruel.


Paracetamol, while toxic to rats in high doses, may not be as effective as commercially available rodenticides specifically designed to control rodent populations. Relying on paracetamol as the primary means of rat control may result in continued infestation or resurgence of the rat population.

Environmental Impact:

The use of paracetamol as a rat poison has negative environmental consequences. As poisoned rats die, their bodies may be consumed by scavengers, leading to secondary poisoning of other wildlife. The drug can also contaminate soil and water sources, causing damage to ecosystems and contributing to environmental pollution.

III. Other methods of getting rid of rats with natural ingredients

1. killing rats with salt

Salt is a good mineral for all living organisms, but excessive amounts can be deadly.

When rats ingest excessive amounts of salt, they develop hypernatremia, a disease defined by high blood sodium levels. This inevitably triggers dehydration, as the body tries to dilute the excess sodium by drawing water from the cells.

As a result, the rat suffers intense thirst, kidney failure, and ultimately death.

So to use salt effectively against rats, here are the steps needed to be successful:

# Identify infested areas:

Inspect your property for signs of rat activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, and nests.

Pay particular attention to dark, secluded areas like attics, basements, and crawl spaces, where rats typically hide.

# Prepare the bait:

create a salt-based bait by mixing equal parts salt and palatable food, such as flour or sugar.

Rats have a sweet tooth, so incorporating sweet ingredients will help lure them to the bait.

# Set up bait stations:

place small containers or shallow dishes filled with the salt mixture at strategic locations in infested areas. Be sure to keep bait stations out of reach of children and pets.

# Monitor and replenish:

Check bait stations regularly and replenish the salt mix as needed. Continue this process until you see no signs of rat activity.

2. killing rats with Coke

Coca-Cola and other carbonated beverages are heavy in sugar, phosphoric acid, and carbon dioxide gas. Because rats lack the capacity to burp, they are unable to evacuate extra gas from their digestive tract when they ingest these drinks.

Consequently, the buildup of gas in their stomachs and intestines causes bloating, discomfort, and eventually death due to internal pressure.

Step-by-Step Guide to Killing Rats with Coke

  • Identify rat-infested areas: Inspect your property for signs of rat activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, and nests.
  • Set up bait stations: Fill small, shallow containers with Coca-Cola or a similar carbonated beverage, and place them strategically throughout the infested areas. To increase the chances of rats consuming the drink, consider adding a small amount of peanut butter or another appealing food item to the container.
  • Monitor and replenish: Check the bait stations regularly and refill the containers as needed. Continue this process until you no longer see signs of rat activity.

3. killing rats with baking soda

A step-by-step guide to killing rats with baking soda:

  • Identification of infested areas: look for signs of rat presence, such as nests, droppings, and gnawing marks.
  • Bait Preparation: Create a baking soda bait by mixing equal parts baking soda and a portion of palatable food, such as peanut butter.
  • Setting up bait stations: Place small containers or shallow dishes filled with the baking soda mixture at strategic locations in infested areas.
  • Monitoring and Replenishing: Baiting places should be checked regularly to refill containers with new bait.

4. killing rats with detergent

We reproduce the same process as that of the other natural ingredients that we have just seen, in particular the identification of the places of infestation, the installation, and the monitoring of the baits.

Instead of baking soda or salt, we put the detergent.

This is because to create a detergent-based bait, mix equal parts liquid detergent and a pleasant-tasting food, such as peanut butter or wet cat food. The food will attract rats, encouraging them to consume the detergent unknowingly.

Detergents contain surfactants that can disrupt the cell membrane and cause cell lysis when ingested by rats.

Ingesting detergent can also cause gastrointestinal distress, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration, which can eventually result in the rat’s death.

Useful Links:

Genotoxicity of paracetamol in mice and rats

Long‐term adverse effects of paracetamol – a review

Paracetamol: not as safe as we thought? A systematic literature review of observational studies